Assurance Maladie affiliation is free and mandatory for French and international students alike. The insurance is free of charge and mandatory. It will cover your health costs for the duration of your studies.
As soon as you arrive in France and have obtained your certificate of enrolment in a higher education institution, register on the health insurance website dedicated to foreign students: etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr. This procedure concerns you if you are not European or if you are European but do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Once you have completed this process, you will have created your account. You will be able to access it from the email address you provided when you registered.
To ensure your health costs are covered, it is essential to take the following steps:
- Order your Carte Vitale
The Carte Vitale (social security card) must be updated once a year and whenever there is a change in your situation at the kiosks found in all health insurance fund locations and in most pharmacies. This ensures your data is up to date and facilitates the reimbursement of your health costs.
- Open your ameli account
On the ameli app or on ameli.fr to track reimbursements, update personal information critical to maintaining a good relationship with the public health insurance services of l’Assurance Maladie, and ask questions via the message board.
- Declare your primary care physician
To ensure better medical follow-up when consulting a doctor in France. They will offer appropriate care and refer you to a specialist if necessary. In addition, care is better reimbursed.
- Subscribe to a complementary health insurance
To top-up the reimbursements of France’s public health insurance system, “l’Assurance Maladie”, and reduce the remaining costs (what remains to be paid after reimbursement of the portion covered by “l’Assurance Maladie”).
Subsidised complementary health insurance
The subsidised complementary health insurance or CSS (Complémentaire santé solidaire) entitles you to coverage of the complementary portion of your health expenses (including hospital expenses). Your health expenses are therefore covered at 100% the social security rates. The subsidised complementary health insurance also includes lump-sum payments for dental prostheses, eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc. In addition, to facilitate your access to care, you do not pay your health expenses directly. This is the exemption of advance payment or tiers payant (third-party payer).
Apply for your top-up health insurance here: https://www.complementaire-sante-solidaire.gouv.fr/cmu-c-demarche.php
Our insurance andmutual insurance partner: HEYME
In order to provide our students with the best possible support, the Department for International Relations and the Francophone World established a partnership with HEYME, a group of mutual insurance companies and insurers specialising in the student population.
Thanks to this partnership, you can take advantage of all the services offered by HEYME at preferential rates:
- Home insurance
- Civil liability
- Repatriation insurance
- Complementary health insurance (mutual insurance)
To capitalise on the advantageous terms of this partnership, use the code: 34UPVM-10
Visit their website for detailed information on their services: https://heyme.care/fr
The University Care Centre:
The Montpellier University Health Centre is an inter-institutional service reserved for students within l’Académie de Montpellier (the Montpellier school district). It means all students:
- Benefit from 100% coverage (no advance payment on presentation of the student card, the "Carte Vitale", and the certificate of complementary mutual insurance)
- Can consult in general medicine, gynaecology (medicated abortion), psychological support,etc.
- Can be followed by a medical adviser
- Have access to medical care adapted to their special needs
8 Rue de l’École Normale – 34090 Montpellier
Tel.: +33
Tramway line 1 Stade Philippidès stop
Open to the general public:
Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.:
By appointment only at
The University Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion or SUMPPS (Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé) is located on the Route de Mende campus. Its missions include:
- Support, listening, providing information, prevention, health education, guidance, care.
- Walk-in or by-appointment consultations
- Consultations with nurse practitioners and preventive medical examinations for first-time students and on request
- Consultations for medical certificates: ability to take part in university sports and physical activity, suitability for communal living, grant allocation for medical reasons, special examination arrangements for persons with disabilities
- Psychological consultations
- Nutrition consultations
- Group prevention workshops and initiatives:
- Sexuality, contraception, tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, diet, hearing, road safety…
To make an appointment, write to: secretariat.medecine@univ-montp3.fr
Tel.: +33 (0)
Open Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Handi-Études (formerly SESH)
The Handi-Études service of the Department of University Life and Studies (Direction des Études et de la Scolarité) is responsible for coordinating and supporting students with disabilities in their formal studies and ensuring adapted access to exams.
Its missions include:
- Welcoming and providing information to students with disabilities.
- Assisting them with administrative and educational procedures.
- Helping them build an academic or professional project.
- Establishing individualised educational monitoring.
- Responding to the specific needs of each individual by providing appropriate human and material assistance (note-taking, document adaptation, etc.).
- Organising exams (separate room, secretarial tasks, loan of laptops, adaptation of subjects, French sign language interpreter).
Contact: handi.etudes@univ-montp3.fr
L’Epicerie Solidaire (a fresh produce charity):
The University, together with Secours Populaire and the student association Especiariá, offers emergency food aid on campus. The location is open Thursday and Friday afternoons, in building I, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Service is provided by students, for students. In addition to emergency food aid, the aim is to promote access not only to aid, but also to the solidarity, cultural, and recreational activities organised by Secours Populaire.
Equality mission
The objective of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University’s Equality mission is to combat discrimination based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation. On campus, the objective is to promote good community relations. Off campus, the University aims to provide solutions through research, to the questions of inequality, and to educate future citizens and professionals, to be open to the world and diversity, actively combating all forms of discrimination.
These initiatives are in correlation with the Permanent Conference of Equality and Diversity Officers from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (contact persons), or CPED.
At the university, discussions on gender equality at work led to the creation of an action plan adopted in June 2021 → + info.
Contact the Equality Mission:
Christa Dumas
egalite.f-h@univ-montp3.fr or 04 67 14 54 29
The anti-discrimination number:
Whether you are a victim or a witness of discrimination, support is available to you.
Contact: 3928 – Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For discrimination against LGBT+ people more specifically, the Azur line is available at 0810 20 30 40
The Welcome Desk for International Students & Researchers or SAIEC (Le Service Accueil International Étudiants/Chercheurs)
The SAIEC will guide you through the various processes:
- online verification and/or submission of residence permit applications
- entry of your electronic CAF and CPAM files
- housing search (PHARE).
Open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
8 rue de l'École Normale, 34090 Montpellier
Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 67 87
Tramway line 1: Stade Philipidès
Last updated : 21/02/2024