Offer of doctoral contract
(1st September 2021 – 30th August 2024)
PuppetPlays (GA 835293) is a project financed by the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 programme, and is directed by Didier Plassard, professor of theatre studies at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. It aims to collect, study and make known plays written for puppets in Western Europe from the 17th to the 21st century. He is recruiting a doctoral candidate for a three-year-contract to complete a thesis on
The repertoires of popular puppet and marionette theatres in Western Europe
The successful candidate will hold a Master’s degree and have undergone solid training in theatre studies, literary studies or foreign or regional languages and literatures. He or she will compile and defend, in September 2024 at the latest (fixed date), a doctoral thesis in the Arts, specializing in Theatre and Live Performance, dedicated to the study of the repertoires of popular puppet theatres in western Europe (Great Britain, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy).
The doctoral thesis will be directed by Didier Plassard and will receive scientific, logistical and financial support from the PuppetPlays project. It will be registered with the Ecole Doctorale 58 and attached to the RIRRA 21 research team. (EA 4209). It can take the form of a monograph, drawing on the analysis of a single national or regional corpus, or it can take the form of a comparative perspective, formulated from several corpuses. It will focus on examining hitherto unpublished primary sources from public or private archives, libraries or museums in Western Europe.
The doctoral thesis has to be written in French. But in case of a co-supervised doctorate by another Professor at another university, it can be written in another language.
The candidate will participate regularly in the activities of the PuppetPlays project throughout the duration of the contract. S/he will among other things contribute to enriching the database and the digital platform, taking an active part in the collection of resources, their description and transcription, conferences, and in communicating and promoting the project.
The successful candidate must commit to working exclusively for the project for the entire term of the contract and must make all research output, whether written or oral, available to PuppetPlays.
Please note that a good level of written and spoken French is required for all usual activities and ordinary work within the PuppetPlays team.
Administrative information: the contract will be drawn up on the basis of French law, specifically decree n°2009-464 of 29th April 2009, modified for doctoral students at public higher education establishments and on the basis of the ruling of 29th August 2016, which sets the total remuneration of the doctoral contract-holder.
Gross monthly payment: € 1,769
Information and enquiries: Didier Plassard: didier.plassard@univ-montp3.fr
Please send your application to:
Carole Guidicelli: carole.guidicelli@univ-montp3.fr
Claire-Marine Parodi: claire-marine.parodi@univ-montp3.fr
Deadline for applications: 28th June 2021.
Candidate interviews: Early July 2021.
To be included with your application:
- CV
- Covering letter
- Overview of your research plan (1 to 2 pages)
- List of Master 1 and 2 marks
- Electronic copy of Master 2 dissertation.
Candidates who have not yet defended their dissertation when applying must enclose a letter from their dissertation supervisor certifying that they will defend their dissertation before 30 June 2021.